100 músicas de 2007
A lista da vez é: as 100 melhores músicas de 2007, segundo a Rolling Stone. Tem link pra ouvir e assistir o clipe em cada…
A lista da vez é: as 100 melhores músicas de 2007, segundo a Rolling Stone. Tem link pra ouvir e assistir o clipe em cada uma delas.
Dica do ócio-pop – blog que sempre tem posts muito legais sobre cultura pop!
1) “Roc Boys”
And the winner is. . . Hov! This is black superhero music, circa 2007: Jay-Z goes to the movies and comes back with an even better film in his head, with a song that plays like the Copacabana scene in GoodFellas translated into hip-hop. The most triumphant sound anyone came up with all year, this track makes you fly in more ways than one. After thanking his drug connection and tipping his hat to God, Jigga toasts the high life over a gritty Brooklyn funky-horns riff from the Menahan Street Band. It’s a celebration, bitches. Drinks is on the house!
2) “A Few Words in Defense of Our Country”
Randy Newman
“Let’s drop the big one and see what happens.” That was Newman’s advice twenty-five years ago in “Political Science.” But on this farewell to the American empire, it turns out we dropped the big one on ourselves: “The leaders we have/While they’re the worst that we’ve had/Are hardly the worst this poor world has seen.” Bush: not as bad as Stalin. Don’t you feel better?
3 )”Umbrella”
This year’s “Crazy,” as in the sleeper hit that becomes the world’s favorite song. And then just keeps getting more popular, until everybody can hear that robot voice chanting “ella ella ella, ay ay ay” in their sleep. The guitars are prime Eighties studio rock, while the green-eyed lady on the mike sings like the Cranberries.
4) “D.A.N.C.E.”
The breakout tune from the hypercool Paris dance label Ed Banger (run by Daft Punk’s manager) is a blast of glitter-disco joy, with a rubbery bass line and an insistent children’s chorus demanding that you “do the dance!” Just try to say no!
Veja lista completa aqui.
Enquete favorito BBB 25: que participante deve ganhar o reality?
Qual é o seu participante favorito do BBB 25? A nova edição do Big Brother Brasil começou no dia 13 de janeiro com 12 duplas e já está bombando. Logo após 4 eliminações, 2 duplas e 2 individuais, restam 18 pessoas confinadas entre famosos e anônimos. A partir daí, o público já está conhecendo a personalidade de cada um e alguns já despontam como queridinhos.